Good Intentions Don't Solve Problems
Published: Thu, 11/14/19
Do people just assume your child needs help and they help without asking? Does your child see their disability as an asset? What e amples can you…
Tips and strategies to get the education your child with disabilities deserves.
Published: Thu, 11/14/19
Do people just assume your child needs help and they help without asking? Does your child see their disability as an asset? What e amples can you…
Published: Tue, 11/05/19
Yes, the Progress Report Checklist is ready for you! In Part 2 of Progress Reports: The Good, Bad, and Ugly we looked at the variety of types of…
Published: Tue, 10/29/19
How are teachers judging your child's progress? How often are they documenting what your child is learning? Who is keeping track of what new skills…
Published: Tue, 10/22/19
Does your child want to have friends, to belong at school and to be a valued member of their community? Are you wondering how to make this happen? You…
Published: Thu, 10/10/19
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier - even though I'm at a 2 day Legal conference, I can still bring you a training video! While I'm out…
Published: Tue, 10/08/19
Have you ever been a wedding casher? My son, Dylan, my husband and I were and we didn't even know it! LOL I'll have to share the story with you some…
Published: Tue, 10/01/19
Are there notes on flip chart paper or white boards from the IEP or ARD meeting? Snap a photo of them with your cell phone. Find out how to insert the…
Published: Tue, 09/17/19
How often have you gone to Evaluation Team Meetings for your child? Now, you may be thinking, whose got time or wants to go to more meetings?! Chances…
Published: Sun, 09/15/19
I hope you enjoyed the first three videos in the free Calm the Chaos workshop! If you haven’t had a chance to finish watching the videos and…
Published: Sat, 09/14/19
I’ve got a real cool freebie for you... My friend, Dayna Abraham just released her 6-step Calm the Chaos Framework… And it is Ah-Maze-Ing… It’s a…