How are teachers judging your child's progress?
How often are they documenting what your child is learning?
Who is keeping track of what new skills your child has?
Does your child's teacher spend time reflecting on what they can change as an adult to help your child learn even more?
Catch the replay and have a copy of your child's recent Progress Report, we'll talk about it and what it really tells you. Will the Progress Report be Good, Bad, or
Catch the replay of the live show, right here or
listen to the podcast.
Look right below for a copy of the slides and training notes.
Here's an eGuide for you, Progress Reports: The Good, Bad, and
Ugly Part 1 with the slides and information from our live show.
What is left to the discretion of states and local districts, as far as Progress Reports go?
Are students 18+ years old entitled to Progress Reports? Find out the answers to these two questions, in this letter of guidance from the federal Office of Special Education Programs, Letter to Pugh.
Thursday, Oct. 31st: Part 2, Progress Reports: The Good, Bad and Ugly
In the second part of our series, you'll find out what adjustments can be made when the data collected tells us the student is making more or less progress than what the IEP team expected.
We’ll also look at examples of Good, Bad and Ugly Progress Reports.
We'll be live at Noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT on my Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together. As always, the replay will be available for you.
P.S. I know how busy life can get. That's why I have your back. I've set my IEP Bot up to send out a reminder before I go live for my weekly Facebook training. To get this
friendly reminder, click here.
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charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com