Yes, the Progress Report Checklist is ready for you!
In Part 2 of Progress Reports: The Good, Bad, and Ugly we looked at the variety of types of objective data collection: Frequency, Percentage, Duration.
I don't want you to think that this kind of data is the only way we can see how much progress your child is making. When I was a teacher I loved to have student work samples and projects to show parents as a way of looking at the progress their child was making. Go to this
spot in the video to hear this discussion.
There are times when your child is making more progress than
expected – Yahoo! Then it would be time for the team to write a new, ambitious IEP goal, don't wait until the review IEP meeting.
There might also be times when you child is not making much progress and that needs to be addressed. A variety of factors that educators have control over can be changed to see if your child will start being more successful. Fast forward to this spot in the video to hear what can be changed.
See the replay of Part 2 of Progress Reports: The Good, Bad, and
When you drive to the dry cleaners (do people still do that) catch the podcast of the episode.