Have you ever been a wedding casher? My son, Dylan, my husband and I were and we didn't even know it! LOL I'll have to share the story with you some day. :)
What does being a wedding crasher have to do with being your child's advocate?
Truth be told, I've also been a conference casher. To be clear, I do register and pay for the conference. :)
I have been known to go to conferences that were meant just for teachers, administrators, and attorneys. Now I can add Conference Crasher to my resume.
I find it especially interesting to go to legal conferences that are meant for school administrators and school attorneys.
That's what I'll be doing this Thursday and Friday. I'll be at a two day legal conference, listening to school districts' interpretation of special education law.
One of the speakers, David Richards from Richards Lindsay & Martin, LLP in Austin, Texas will be speaking about Parental Cooperation. Should be interesting to hear his perspective and what comments the administrators and school district lawyers share.
The more we understand other's perspectives, the more we can be prepared for what they'll be saying at IEP or ARD meetings.
Speaking of trying to understand how others think about special education concerns, are you subscribed to the LRP free weekly newsletter, Special Education Connection? Please know this is a newsletter meant for school
staff and school attorneys. Go ahead and sign up for it.