How often have you gone to Evaluation Team Meetings for your child? Now, you may be thinking, whose got time or wants to go to more meetings?!
Chances are you've never been told by the school that you're a member of the Evaluation Team and never been invited to one of those meetings.
In our recent Q & A live training we talked about not signing a consent for evaluation before you attend an Evaluation Team Meeting.
*You need the chance to bring information to the school members that
you want considered in the evaluation.
*You need to ask questions about what types of tests they are
proposing so you have an understanding of the information they want
to gather about your child.
*You need to know that you don't have to give consent for each
assessment the school wants to give. Click here to go to that spot in
the video and hear more about this.
The other topics we covered were:
* Marketing Inclusion. Click to hear the discussion. I referred to a one-pager where I listed recent research supporting inclusion. Click this link to get a copy of it.
* Where to find adapted novels. Catch what we talked about. Click here to go to that spot in the video.
* Are you being pushed to agree to Alternative State Assessments for your child? I've noticed when students with intellectual disabilities are getting ready to enter third grade, the subject of having your child take the alternative state assessments (called many things in different states) is brought up in an IEP or ARD meeting.
My caution is, will this put your child on a track for low expectations and a "life skills" curriculum? Make sure you understand the potential repercussions of your decisions. Want to hear more? Click on this link
to be taken to that discussion.
* Inclusive college opportunities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. So many more possibilities for our children! Here's a link to that portion of
the Q & A video.
ThinkCollege is THE website to go to for a ton of valuable information, success stories, where colleges are located, FAQ, and much more!
If like watching videos, click here for the entire video.
If it's easier for you to multi-task and listen to a podcast of the episode, Click here.