I’ve got a real cool freebie for you...
My friend, Dayna Abraham just released her 6-step Calm the Chaos Framework…
And it is Ah-Maze-Ing…
It’s a downloadable, valuable PDF Guide, plus a video that walks you through the Calm the Chaos Framework step-by-step. And guess what, they're free to you.
As an advocate, I'm always on the look-out for resources to help parents speak up for children.
This video and PDF
guide will be perfect to share with your child's school when you're trying to get them to understand behavior is communication.
Plus if your child is struggling at home and you want to figure out what their behavior is trying to tell you, and how you can help them, this video and Guide will be great for you to.
CLICK HERE for the video.
With this step-by-step plan…
Teachers and you'll be able to:
*See behavior coming from a mile away.
*Use these tools to prevent problems before they start.
*Get your child to self-regulate + stay calm without you.
This video -- along with the two already released, will be taken down September 15th at midnight. So don’t drag your feet. Watch them now while they’re still up and free!
Take care,