We need your help.
Published: Thu, 08/04/22
- We're tackling the tough issue of inclusive education and we need your help! - Join us for a live Facebook show to share your thoughts and ideas on…
Tips and strategies to get the education your child with disabilities deserves.
Published: Thu, 08/04/22
- We're tackling the tough issue of inclusive education and we need your help! - Join us for a live Facebook show to share your thoughts and ideas on…
Published: Mon, 08/01/22
Are you trying to hang on to hope that this year will be better than last year? Preparing for a new school year can bring long to-do lists, some…
Published: Wed, 07/27/22
Have you been stressing about the new school year coming up and having some moments of panic, like, Sh*% how will this year go for my child? Does your…
Published: Fri, 07/15/22
We have held on tightly for many years using SMART acronym that was first designed in 1981 for the business world. Now is time for an update! In our…
Published: Wed, 07/13/22
It can be hard to go cold turkey and change the beloved SMART Goals acronym that we have held high in esteem for so many decades. Part of me still…
Published: Tue, 07/05/22
When a learner is not as successful as teachers e pect, the student is often evaluated to find out what is "wrong" with them. Instead, as educators WE…
Published: Fri, 06/24/22
Do you want to create a school system that sees disability as a form of diversity and not something that needs to be fi ed? Transformation is not an…
Published: Fri, 06/17/22
In the film I Think There's Been a Mistake with Dr. Julie Causton we learn "our mistake has been relying on outdated tests like IQs as a way to…
Published: Thu, 06/16/22
Chances are you've had many conversations with your child's teachers about inclusive education – you might have seen some eye-rolling or, perhaps…
Published: Fri, 06/03/22
Disabled children are too often silenced, and their voices need to be heard. ~ Charmaine Thaner This is the te t in the image below. We are not our…