How to create more inclusive schools:
Secret #1 Change Is Complicated And Can Be Hard
Julie and Kristie shared an excellent graphic showing the stages individuals go through when there is a significant change. Go to the 16 minute mark in the video to hear the discussion about the need for all of us to support people experiencing change, how to overcome resistance, and the importance of working with people and not against them.
Secret #2 Keep Lids On Tight To Avoid The Danger Zone
If you have not seen Julie and Kristie use the hand model of the brain to explain what happens when our lids are flipped and how we often go all the way down to fight, flight, freeze, or faint, you can go to the 23 minute mark in the video. Julie reminded us in order to make an effective argument with anyone ever their lid has to be on they have to be in this place. Where they can learn and
grow and sync.
Discover how to trigger what Kristie and Julie call the Positive Emotional Attractor so that individuals won't continue to search for comfort and safety in what has always been. Check out their very useful handout.
Secret #3 Is the IDEA law
See a recent video that features New York special education attorney, Pat Radel as he explains the legal underpinnings of inclusive education. Check it out here.
BONUS SECRET When School Districts Attend The Summer Leadership Institute They Are More Open To Including Students.
If our goal is to create systemic change that will be lasting we need more educators to have quality professional development training AND that is happening on August 8th, 9th, and 10th at the virtual Summer Leadership Institute.
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encourage the district to buy a district license.
It is equally important for families to learn new ways to create more inclusive schools and become inspired to continue advocating for change. Use this
link to register and type the word Inclusion in for the coupon code.