Some things are not good ideas...
Published: Thu, 05/03/18
Do you get near the end of the IEP/ARD meetings and then you start making a case for your child to be included?Not a good idea...Discover how to get…
Tips and strategies to get the education your child with disabilities deserves.
Published: Thu, 05/03/18
Do you get near the end of the IEP/ARD meetings and then you start making a case for your child to be included?Not a good idea...Discover how to get…
Published: Tue, 05/01/18
Don't miss out on hearing from disability activist, Stephen Hinkle! Click here to see the perspective Stephen has about inclusion.Here are some of the…
Published: Tue, 04/10/18
Is your child being e cluded because their level of academic performance is two or more grade levels below their peers in general education…
Published: Tue, 04/03/18
How often is your son or daughter e cited about what he/she is doing at school?Is your child's behavior letting everyone know he/she is bored, has no…
Published: Tue, 03/27/18
Get your copy of the eBook shown above. Click here.Is your stomach starting to churn just thinking about the ne t school year?Are you having that…
Published: Tue, 03/20/18
You’ll not only get re-inspired with Shelley, but you’ll also get real-life e amples of what inclusion looks like! Click here to watch my video…
Published: Wed, 03/14/18
Have you heard the fabulous Shelley Moore speak before and were blown away?Are you wondering who this Shelley Moore is? Plan your lunch break on…
Published: Tue, 02/27/18
Do you wish your child was making more progress in reading?Click on the video above and discover how to combine Multiple Intelligences and Universal…
Published: Tue, 02/20/18
Is your child being taught through his/her strengths?Do you know the 9 different ways students can be taught?In this latest video, you'll discover 9…
Published: Tue, 02/06/18
I wanted to let you know I'm going to be on a pretty secretive mission this Thursday. I'm looking forward to it - but can't say e actly what it is in…