Yes, our guest today, Cal Montgomery reminds us that...
"It matters that the demands of the 1960’s are the same as the demands of the 2020’s."
We were young then, and we marched in response to injustice. I'm old enough (and yes I remember) those civil rights marches from decades ago, protests against war, the demonstrations after the Kent State shootings. A small group of high school friends and I would skip classes to attend marches, protests and demonstrations.
It's disheartening that in the 2020s we need to continue the work for social justice and human rights. We are still raising our voices against the myth that being different equates to being less than and not worthy of the opportunities white middle-class women like I have.
I still have much to learn from disability rights activists that call out the truth. If you are also a student of social justice I invite you to join our guest, Cal Montgomery today.
If you don't know Cal Montgomery, you'll want to meet him. His powerful messages are what we need to hear as self-advocates, parents, educators and community members.