Published: Tue, 03/22/22
Extended School Year: 6 Red Flags To Be Aware Of
Is your son or daughter getting what the District typically offers everyone that gets Extended School Year services?
Did you know that these services are supposed to be individualized?
What if your child needs more than 4 weeks of services this summer?
We answered these questions and more as we looked at 6 ESY Red Flags and 3 Shocking Truths about ESY.
Catch the replay of the video and hear answers to individual questions from our live viewers. Click here.
Get your own copy of my latest eGuide, Extended School Year: 6 Red Flags to Be Aware Of
Come get the low down about ESY and how to make sure it's based on what your child needs, not just what the district says their ESY services are!
Click here for the ESY eGuide. Click here for the video.
There won't be a live show on Thursday, March 24th. I'll be attending an energizing workshop for women leaders. It'll be a learning time for me, which is always a good thing. I hope you're having some blue skies and sunshine!