Did you know you can reduce your stress and it doesn’t require a
spa day, vacation out of town, or a date night?
Of course a spa day, vacation, or date night would also be nice...
On our recent live training our guest, Chelle Johnson helped us learn how to reduce stress and overwhelm.
She provided this summary of her presentation:
Reduce Stress: Through the Holidays and Beyond
Three Step Process
1. Feel Your Now - name the emotion and observe how it feels in your body.
2. Find the Sentence – name the thought that is causing the feeling
3. Think Deliberately – consider what else you could think
Powerful Holiday Questions
The three step process
*How do I want to feel during the holidays/this event?
*How am I feeling now?
*What am I currently thinking that's creating that feeling?
*What else could I think? Do any of those thoughts create the feeling I want?
*How can I practice that thought/thoughts?
Taking care of yourself/your family during the holidays
*What will be hard about the holidays/this event?
*What can I do/think/feel to make things easier for myself?
Decision making
*Why am I considering doing this event/activity?
*Why am I considering not doing this event/activity?
*Do I like my reasons?
What to Do Next
1. Make a list of your upcoming holiday events, choose 1 or 2 and do the 3 steps (feel your now, find the sentence, think deliberately)
2. Make a plan to practice your deliberate thoughts
3. Answer the Decision Making questions for events/activities that you are considering stopping
4. Set 1 - 2 alarms in your phone to check in and observe your emotions for 2-3 minutes.
Reduce Stress: Through the Holidays and Beyond.
Click on the image below.