Yes, Virginia, some State Departments of Education do publish fabulous resources to support inclusive education!
Washington state's, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction recently shared 7 Myths & Facts of Inclusion.
If you'd like to be the first on your block to find resource treasures like the ones above, make sure you have Liked or are Following my Facebook page: Visions and Voices Together.
Expect some new hot-off-the-press news I'll be sharing soon!!!
When students are secluded and restrained at school the trauma is life-long.
Michele Zephier, our special guest on Thursday will be sharing her son’s Dylan’s story of being hurt multiple times at school.
In Michele's words, "It's our mission to shine a light into the darkness of this archaic practice."
You're invited to join us for this important conversation because every student needs to be safe at school.
We'll be live on Thursday, Oct. 21st at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT. Click here for the live show.
Recent data from the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) shows that 101,990 students were subjected to seclusion or restraint during the 2017-18 school year.
Of the students restrained or secluded, 78 percent were students with disabilities who were disproportionately students who identified as Black/African American and boys.
We know there is much work still to be done. Come be with us on Thursday and learn what small step you can take to END restraint and seclusion.
I hope to see you Thursday,
P.S. If you'd like, we can have a time to talk more about your individual situation. Pick a day and time that works best for you on my online calendar. https://bookme.name/charmaine
Let's Stay Connected!
charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com