Would you like a handy-dandy tool that can be used for daily home-school communication that would tell you:
*which IEP goals were embedded throughout the day in general education settings
*what kind of prompts, if any were used at different times
*which accommodations were used in each subject area, and during other times in the school day
Thursday, Sept. 9th I'm going to share tool that is simple for the staff to use, gives you specific information and can be easily adapted for your child.
If you want a copy of this tool that's officially called The IEP Goals and Accommodations Matrix emailed to you on Friday morning, just use this link iep.today/WeeklyAdvTips and get signed
As always, our Art of Advocacy live trainings are recorded and you can re-watch the show or catch the replay.
It's just more fun when you can be live with us! PLUS you can ask YOUR questions and get answers and ideas from myself and our other knowledgable parents, advocates, and educators.
WHEN: Thursday, September 9th
Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT
WHY: When the educators know more about your child and you know more about what happens at school, the more successful your child will be.
Are you ready to get some ideas popping in your mind to create more meaningful school-home communication???
Join me on Thursday!