You've probably tried sharing inclusion research with the IEP team, emailing teachers and therapists articles about inclusive education, or being a broken record at IEP meetings talking about it.
If you haven't gotten the inclusive education your child deserves, you'll want to tune in this Thurs., Sept. 2nd (like put it on your calendar now).
We're going to change things up and start thinking like a marketer when advocating for inclusion!
Don't miss out on your free written guide to marketing inclusive education. Use this link and get it delivered straight to you on Friday!
This is my newest training so I hope you can make our live show.
WHEN: Thursday, September 2nd
Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT
WHY: It's time to try some other ways to advocate for inclusion.
Are you ready to learn more about getting the inclusive education your child deserves?? Join me on Thursday!