When you walk into an IEP meeting, it can sometimes feel like a battle.
It's hard not to get defensive when the school starts laying out all of your child's deficits and spends little time talking about your child’s strengths at meetings.
Bringing a plate of cookies to the meeting is not going to help that situation.
On Thursday, August 19th we’ll be talking about two ways you can help shift the tone at the IEP meeting so everyone is coming from a place of identifying your child's strengths and building on those rather than listing off everything they haven't mastered yet.
Plus, we want YOU to share your ideas on creating more positive IEP meetings!
I hope you can join us:
WHEN: Thursday, August 19th
Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT
WHY: Life can be better at IEP meetings and you’ll leave the training with at least two ideas to try.
I hope to see you Thursday with our No Bake ideas (not half-baked ideas) on creating a positive tone for IEP meetings!