What do you only get 7 or 8 of during your lifetime?
Most of us will only get 7 or 8 decades in our life. And guess what...we’re about to finish one of those decades!
Think of all the ways in the past 10 years, you’ve made things better for your child at school...
I know the good you’ve been creating this past decade will yield such positive changes for 2020!
You gotta believe it, in order for it to happen!
And I’ve got a couple of GLORIOUS GIVEAWAYS so you’ll have a GANGBUSTER first year of your new decade! Interested?
Today, Tues., Dec. 31st, Wed., Jan.1st and Thursday. Jan. 2nd I’ll be asking a question in our Facebook group, Visions and Voices Together. Every time you answer, you’ll be entered in the GLORIOUS GIVEAWAYS! If you’re one of the first five people to answer each question, you get 5 entries that day.
Answer the questions by Friday, Jan.3rd at midnight Mtn. time. I’ll be drawing the winning names this Saturday. You don’t want to miss out on this!
One of the GLORIOUS GIVEAWAYS is 12 months of advocacy support in our Trailblazer membership group (only for parents). Worth $200+
The second GLORIOUS GIVEAWAY is four free 45-minute phone calls with me during 2020! Worth $400+
It’s easy peasy to get extra advocacy support in the New Year – answer today’s question on our Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together, and also Wednesday’s and Thursday’s questions! You can be one of the lucky winners!
See you over on our Facebook page!
Take care,