Think about it . . . the disability rights movement is very diverse and often dominated, by non disabled people, but also by white people.
Where is our place as non disabled individuals? What is our role?
These are just a couple questions we asked and discussed in our recent live show, Parent-allies and Belonging: The What, the Who, and the How.
This is a show you'll want to re-watch, re-listen to, talk with your friends about, and reflect on what actions you can take in order to create lasting change.
You'll be learning from and with Carrie Basas, Director, Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds WA, parents, and founding members of Inclusion For ALL, Marija Bogic and Taina Karru-Olsen.
As a matter of fact, here is the link to the slides they used for our show. Click here.
Here are a few of the questions that were answered in our show about Parent Allies and Belonging:
What do we mean by parent-ally? What is that? And why are we making this distinction?
How to Shift our lens from an oppressive stigmatizing and ableist lens to a lens of disability as identity, culture and community?
What is active acceptance and how do we change the goal for disabled people from normalcy or recovery, to living with needed supports and gaining equal opportunity with non disabled people?
How can honor, Nothing About Us Without Us, which is the rallying cry of the disability rights movement?
We know old paradigms of segregated classes won't just fade away. What action steps must we take?
How do racism and ableism reinforce one another?
Why is it a good thing to welcome discomfort?
What kinds of action can we take to create more systemic change?
You're invited to re-watch, re-listen to, talk with your friends about, and reflect on what actions you can take in order to create lasting change.
December 19th: Ask Me Anything – your chance to ask those questions you're still wanting to get more answers for.
December 26th: Family Time – no scheduled show
January 2nd: Last day of Vacation – no scheduled show
January 9th: "Don't We Already Do Inclusion?": Ideas for Improving Schools for All
Can you guess who are fabulous, internationally known guest will be on Jan. 9th??? I'll give you a couple hints, she just published a wonderful picture book, she was a guest on a previous show... Reply to this email and let me know who you think it is!
For now, set an alarm on your phone and head over to Visions and Voices Together on Thursday, Dec. 19th at noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT. It's our Ask Me Anything!