Is the school helping your child prepare for what they want to do after high school?
In your district when students are 18 – 21 years old do they have a transition plan that is based on what THEY want to do after high school?
Or is there the “district transition program” that students have to fit into?
I think you know where we’re going with this.
It’s passed time to rethink and redo how we support students after high school.
We had the perfect disability rights speaker and self-advocate to bring this discussion to the forefront.
Stephen Hinkle, shared how we need to move from the old model of control to a model of independence and autonomy.
You invited to watch the replay, share your experiences, and ask your questions about high school transition!
I know Stephen would love to continue this conversation with you. You can contact him at this link.
We had some terrific questions from our viewers. I promised I'd share additional resources.
As you watch the replay of our training with Stephen Hinkle you can follow along with his PowerPoint. Click here. Bonus: additional slides are included.
(NSTTAC) is funded by the U.S. Dept. of Ed. It helps states build capacity to support and improve transition planning, services, and outcomes for youth with disabilities and disseminates information and provides technical assistance.
O*NET OnLine has a free online tool to discover more about occupations, skills and education needed, average salary, and much more. The O*NET program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration.
Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities by Cary Griffin
M.A. This updated book includes a new assessment process, many self-employment success stories, and the latest on policy changes and online opportunities. Help your child or students with disabilities get a small business off to a strong start.
College is an option for students with disabilities. Think College is a one-stop place to go for more information about college choices in each state, helpful tips of questions to ask when
going on college tours, and much more.
Thursday, August 1st: Back-to-School Q & A
What can you do to make sure your child’s services and supports will be in place for the 1st day of school?
How can you be sure you’ll be heard at your child’s next IEP meeting?
Let’s be proactive and get your Back-to-School questions answered NOW.
Come hang out with us on Thursday, August 1st at Noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT at www.facebook.com/VisionsandVoicesTogether
My cell phone is ringing from parents with school questions and asking to hire me as their child’s advocate.
I bet you have some questions too. Ask me any question(s) on Thurs., Aug. 1st.. Get the answers you're looking for.
Reply to this email with your questions and I’ll answer them on Thursday.
P.S. As the new school year is creeping up on us, are you feeling any twinges of apprehension?
Parents have already started hiring me to be their child's advocate for the coming year. I know some of those Back-to-School worries are starting to pop up.
If this is how you've been feeling, fear not - we have a solution! Yes! We love solutions!
Remove all the clutter from your mental To-Do list you keep going over and over in your head and prioritize just 5, yes, just 5 things that you can do right now!
Interested to know what these 5 things are and how to do them?
I wrote a free eBook for you so you can Have Smooth Sailing Into The New School Year, Even With An IEP. Here's the link so you can download it.
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Let's Stay Connected!
charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com |