Have you ever been at an IEP/ARD meeting and there is a debate about how much time your child is supposed to get for speech/language services? OR
There's a disagreement about what last year's IEP said about Extended School Year – OR
The principal is asking for the latest evaluation results...
You may see that deer-in-the headlights look by many people sitting around the table, the special ed. teacher may start shuffling through her thick accordion folder of papers.
And guess what you do? You just look at your phone (tablet or laptop) and within seconds you pull up the document with the right answer! You can quickly stop the debate and the disagreements when you have the right document at your fingertips!
Just how are you able to be this Super Hero when it comes to knowing where to find what paper at the exact moment you need it????
Because you saw our Facebook training about using a free app, OneNote. It works on PCs and Mac computers, on the iPad, and Android and iPhones - best of all...(drum roll)...it's FREE.
Melissa Amster, a special education attorney for parents shared some easy first steps to get started with OneNote. You can see the replay at this link.
You may contact our guest, Melissa Amster at this link.
Here's some additional information and trainings about OneNote.
OneNote digital notebook, product info. Click here.
OneNote app on Google Play. Use this link.
Apple's App Store also has OneNote. Click here.
OneNote on YouTube for PC users. Use this link.
OneNote on YouTube for Mac users. Click here.
Thursday, July 25th: Is it Time for the Traditional Transition Model to Face the Wrecking Ball?
Stephen Hinkle, disability rights advocate and autistic adult will be helping us shift from typical high school transition programs to ones that are individualized and based on the presumption of competence.
Whether your child is a young elementary student, middle schooler, or in high school, the time is now to be looking ahead to life after high school.
Thursday, August 1st: Our monthly Q & A. You get to decide the agenda for the live Facebook training, because you get to ask YOUR questions!
P.S. As the new school year is creeping up on us, are you feeling any twinges of apprehension?
Parents have already started hiring me to be their child's advocate for the coming year. I know some of those Back-to-School worries are starting to pop up.
If this is how you've been feeling, fear not - we have a solution! Yes! We love solutions!
Remove all the clutter from your mental To-Do list you keep going over and over in your head and prioritize just 5, yes, just 5 things that you can do right now!
Interested to know what these 5 things are and how to do them?
I wrote a free eBook for you so you can Have Smooth Sailing Into The New School Year, Even With An IEP. Here's the link so you can download it.
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Let's Stay Connected!
charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com |