Here are some quotes you can post on social media so more parents know these tips. As we say, "The more you know, the more you can do."
There is a wealth of information, that the people working with your child this year already know about your child. We want to capture that information and share it with next year's teacher, so they don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Charmaine Thaner
Many times we forget about the wealth of information that our kids' friends have about them as far as what helps them at school, what doesn't work, what they've noticed that your child really likes at school.
Charmaine Thaner
Talk to the grade level teacher for next year, and find out what science and social studies units your child will be studying and what novels they'll be reading. Then during the summer look for some books, videos, activities about the topics your child will be learning about next year.
Charmaine Thaner
This summer keep nurturing the friendships your child formed this year when they've been included in general education classes. Schedule a play date or time to get together for June. Yes, get it on your calendar, now.
Charmaine Thaner
We want to think ahead of time, what accommodations we need to have in place, so your child can have fun with the year-end activities like, field trips, field day activities, signing yearbooks, and many other school traditions.
Charmaine Thaner
We all have different learning styles and we all have different teaching styles. If your child is the type of learner that needs a teacher that really is experienced with Universal Design for Learning, you want to make sure that your child gets in that class.
Charmaine Thaner
We want to make sure we have a formal way to come together with the people that worked with your child this year and for them to relay information to next year's staff.
Charmaine Thaner
We have to be a detective sometimes to find our kids interests and talents. And we have to be a detective to find out what the teachers strengths and talents are.
Charmaine Thaner
BONUS TIP: Amend the IEP to include staff training. The ongoing training might be to learn how to use your child's communication device, or how to implement co-teaching, or using researched based inclusion practices, or a different specific topic so your son or daughter is getting the right kinds of supports and services.
Charmaine Thaner