Ask an Advocate With Charmaine Thaner
Every 1st Thursday of the month we'll have an Ask the Advocate show, so you can ask YOUR questions.
Here are some questions parents asked and I answered in this video:
* Differences between location and placement and how to keep our kids included
Certificate of attendance and regular diplomas
* What supports are medically fragile children entitled to?
* How to add staff training
to the IEP
* What to do when you
disagree with something in your child's ed. records
* How can I know that the classroom is being inclusive?
*** What questions do you have that you want answered? Reply to this email and we can set up a time to talk. Yep, just you and I. ***
Watch the replay or catch the podcast of the episode. Links are below.
Watch the replay, Click here.
Listen to the podcast when you're taking a shower (a great way to multitask). Click here.
Check out these Key Take-Aways by going to the specific time stamp in the video, or on the podcast.
* Who decides on placement of your child and who decides
the location of the services? 2:02
* What does federal education law say about high school
diplomas and certificates of attendance 10:53
* How the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition
can help parents of middle school and high school aged
* What supports are medically fragile children entitled to? 16:00
* How can you add staff training to the IEP? 20:45
* What can you do when disagree with a document in your
child's records?
* How can I know that the classroom is being inclusive? 28:55
Here are some quotes from the recent The Art of Advocacy show.
The short answer is placement is an IEP team's decision, and location is a district's decision.
Charmaine Thaner
Some school districts interpretation is the location of service delivery is not a change in placement, if the IEP services remain the same. Many districts argue If the location change is not a change in placement, the service location can be changed without parent input or an IEP meeting.
Charmaine Thaner
At the beginning of the IEP meeting start building your case for the least restrictive environment placement in your neighborhood school. Do this when you're talking about your child's strengths, and how they learn best when you're talking about your child's needs. Address their need to be with typical peers so they have models of behavior, communication, etc. Near the end of the IEP
meeting, when you talk about placement, you want to be able to have a firm case built from the very beginning of the IEP that supports what you think is most appropriate for your child.
Charmaine Thaner
If a nurse is assigned to your child, most likely the districts's billing Medicaid for those services. And if Medicaid is paying for a service, it can't be for any educational reasons. So don't let the district say, "Oh, your child has a nurse, we don't have to assign any other adult support in the classroom." If your child needs additional educational support in the classroom, the IEP team needs to discuss
Charmaine Thaner
Doctor's orders in case of emergencies are lacking as is training of staff, including bus staff. It's necessary to recognize when a child is needing medical help.
J.J., a viewer
If you think there are any documents in your child's educational records, that are inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or violates your child's privacy, you can give a written request to the district to remove it.
If they refuse, you can request a hearing. And sometimes when parents hear this, they're worried about going to due process. But this is not a due process hearing. This is under FERPA, which is the Family Education Records Privacy Act.
Charmaine Thaner
Want to know what to do if the district still refuses to withdraw the document? Reply to this email and set up a time with Charmaine to talk about it.
Here are some selected resources you may be interested in.
Differences between placement and location. Click here.
High school diplomas and secondary transition from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition. Click
Related services for medically fragile children from Wrightslaw. Click here.
We often think IEPs are just for the child, when in fact people who work with your child can also receive support. Checkout IEPs: How to Write Staff Training in Them, a video on my YouTube channel. Click here.
How to Know What's Happening at School, a video on my YouTube channel. Click here. Learn clues you can use to know if your child's IEP is being followed, how
Progress Reports can be more helpful, and what needs to be in communication logs so they are more effective.
Thursday, May 9th: Avoid These 6 Mistakes At The End Of The Year
Thursday, May 16th: What You Need to Know About Organizing School
Thursday, May 23rd: Is a Private School Right For Your Child?
Thursday, May 30th: Lunch with my grandchildren. No live show
because I'll be out celebrating my grandkids' school
I believe it's time to reclaim the meaning of "That Parent." As our children our younger we model for them how to speak up. Each year we are less vocal and they are louder. Being That Parent is a good thing.
Get your reminder, Click here.
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charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com |