This Advocacy Master Class is not like our usual weekly shows. For one, we'll be giving away some pretty cool gifts: Amazon gift card, a copy of one of Pete Wright's popular books, and many other goodies.
For another thing, I'm covering some juicy advocacy topics I haven't talked about before! Set your phone alarm and be with us!
I know you’re already working your heart out trying to get the education you child deserves and is entitled to.
You’ve gone to IEP workshop after IEP workshop, searched for answers at conferences, done late night research on the internet, and yet you still have those guilty feelings that you’re not doing a good enough job advocating for your child.
If this is something you can relate to, you’ll love the tips and strategies you’ll get in our free, valuable Advocacy Master Class. There is light at the end of the IEP meetings!
Join us on Friday, April 19th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT and ask the questions you have about being a more effective advocate for your child.
We’ll be at
Our live shows are at Noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT.
We’ll be live at
The replays will also be available.
Take care,