It can be downright eye-opening! We need to first recognize what is missing and then what to do about it.
As parents we often have to be detectives and I think an IEP Scavenger Hunt is a great way for us look closely at your child's IEP.
Let’s have some fun as we do this work. I know fun and IEPs aren’t thought of going together, but we can do this. Forward this email to friends so they can join you for our FREE 5 day IEP Scavenger Hunt that begins on Monday, April 15th. It ends on Friday, April 19th with one awesome Masterclass where some top-notch advocacy strategies will be coming at you!
Each morning you'll get an email with specific things to look for in your child’s IEP. You'll only need 15- 20 minutes to do this. We want to be fast and efficient!
Each evening (Mon.-Thurs.) at 7:00pm Mtn. time, 9:00 pm ET, 8:00 pm CT, 6:00 pm PT, we'll have a live Facebook show (10-15 min.) in our group, and then time for live Q & A. You can also catch the replay.
Get more info and sign up for our IEP Scavenger Hunt at this link.
I hope you'll join our IEP Scavenger Hunt!
Take care,