On Thursday, I'll be flying back from my brother's funeral and won't be able to do a live Facebook show this week. I hope you can spend some extra time cuddling with the ones you love!
The following Thursday I'll be driving to Portland, Oregon for the Think Inclusive College West Coast Coalition and All Born In conferences. Unfortunately, my cell service won't be strong enough to do a live show from the road.
However, if during the next two weeks you'd like to see a particular video from one of my Facebook shows, you can go to my YouTube channel and see the Playlists of 100+ videos and choose one, or two, or three to watch. Click here.
*Thurs. March 28th and Thurs. April 4th : YouTube Binge Time. Click
*Thurs. April 11th: Julie Harmon, the Inclusion Coordinator for the University of Colorado, at Colorado Springs will be our guest as we talk about inclusive college opportunities.
*Thurs. April 18th: Extended School Year (ESY): One Size Doesn't Fit All. Come learn about 5 ESY Red Flags and what to do when you see them. You'll also discover 3 Shocking Truths about Extended School Year (I was shocked when I learned these).
* Thurs. April 25th: Evening Show: 7pm Mtn. Time. Carlyle Âû King, a self-advocate will be speaking about acceptance, empowerment, and appreciation for disabled and autistic people.
Our live shows are at Noon Mtn. Time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 11am PT. (except for Thurs. April 25th).
We’ll be live at www.facebook.com/VisionsandVoicesTogether.
The replays will also be available.
Take care,