Every. Day. Counts. For. Our. Kids!
Our kids can't afford to be given an education that isn't working.
How is Distance Learning going for your child?
Are you looking for ideas for inclusive Distance Learning?
Would you like examples of Distance Learning accommodations?
Are you wondering how para-educators could be supportive now?
Then join us as we talk about individualizing Distance Learning. Thurs. Oct. 15th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT.
We'll be on my Facebook page
I'll be revealing my new Distance Learning Advocacy Toolkit on Thursday, Oct. 15th - mark your calendar for this Special Edition of our weekly live show.
You can get an Individualized Distance Learning Plan for your child's education that is really designed with their learning strengths and needs in mind.
I want it to be easier for you to get what your child needs.
I know you don't have time to spend crafting emails, being on another Zoom IEP meeting that gets you nowhere or feeling defeated because nothing is working.
I've created a Distance Learning Advocacy Toolkit
(digital) that combines information on your rights AND step-by-step strategies for getting the distance education your child deserves.
I'll be pulling out tips and strategies from the Toolkit and sharing them this Thursday (Oct. 15th). We'll be live at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT on my Facebook page Visions and Voices Together.
Set your phone alarm for tomorrow's show because you don't want to miss out! And there'll be several great giveaways throughout the live session!
I'll also share how you can get your Distance Learning Advocacy
Toolkit with Early Bird Pricing (we love that)! If you can't wait until tomorrow, go ahead and get the Early Bird Pricing today. Just CLICK here.
I'd love for you to join us live tomorrow and chime in with ideas that have worked for your child, and ask questions that are still bugging you.
Talk with you soon!