May Day, May Day: Same Boat Two Different Oceans
“Navigating the system of care for children with serious emotional disturbances with co-occurring developmental disabilities is like drowning, while a crowd of onlookers shout out support, yet are unwilling to get wet.”
This is how our guest Tricia Ellinger describes her family’s recent past and present.
Tricia will share powerful stories and discuss the need for comprehensive options and collaboration between schools, doctors, hospitals, psychiatrists, agencies, and legal representatives.
We would love for you to join us on Thursday, September 10th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11am PT. We’ll be live on my Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together. The replay will also be
If you know family members, friends or colleagues that would love to be part of this conversation, please invite them.
Take care,