Is it GO time for your child's school district?
One parent shared with me that her child's school district is opening in two days and there is no information and guidelines yet for teachers or families!
Another parent shared how the distance learning plan for students in their district is nothing more than a "one-size" fits all.
I recently talked to a parent where the district is drawing a line in the sand as they unilaterally predetermined that no students would receive any in-person related services.
What is your child's Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) going to look like this fall? Your child is supposed to still receive FAPE no matter where their schooling is happening.
Here are Seven Big Picture Questions to be asking at IEP meetings. Because you are an equal team member, you need to participate in developing the answers to these questions!
We always gain the most when we listen and learn from others.
I hope you can join us this Thursday, Aug. 13th with Stephen Hinkle, Motivational Speaker, Disability Rights Advocate, and Educational Consultant.
You’ll be able to experience:
* the story of Stephen Hinkle growing up as a person with autism;
* the personal, academic and social aspects of his life;
* and the importance of not putting limits on young children.
You may have heard Stephen speak about the Hidden Curriculum, join us Thursday for his new powerful presentation!
We’ll be live on Thurs. Aug. 13th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT over at
P.S. If you'd like to chat about worries you have with the new year
, sign up for a Free Phone Consultation with me!
I'd love to talk with you. I have some blocks of time, and you can schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation. We can talk about your concerns and generate some positive next steps you can take. Sign up here.
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charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com