Many school districts are emailing parents of children with IEPs saying the child's case manager is reviewing the IEP and will determine how to support your child's IEP. The email goes on to say that a copy of the Distance Learning Plan will be sent home when completed.
Please know this is not a good idea.
If you need legal advice, contact an attorney in your area.
At the time of writing this newsletter, there's no new guidance from the U.S. Dept. of Ed. about FAPE and Distance Learning Plans.
As an advocate, at this time, I'm suggesting any changes needed to
your child's "In-school IEP" needs to go through the IEP process. This means the case manager or any one person can't make changes without an IEP meeting.
If you get an email stating the school will write the Distance Learning Plan,
my advice is:
1. Make sure you keep the email from the school/district. You could also print a copy of it.
2. Send a written request for an IEP meeting to discuss any changes that are needed for your child's "In-School IEP" because of Distance Learning. The changes to the IEP become amendments. When school is fully open, and all students return, your child's "In-School IEP", minus the Distance Learning amendments becomes active
Sound a bit confusing and wondering how exactly to word things? I do
have an eBook coming out soon with examples of what to say when in situations like this.
If you'd rather talk on the phone now, you can set up a free 30-minute phone consultation with me, and we can talk about your child's specific situation. You can click on this link to pick a day and
time that works for you.
If you'd like to learn about a remarkable new process for making sure your child's learning goals are met, no matter if he is at school, at home, or both, come
to our live Art of Advocacy Show this Thursday, July 30th!
Check out the details below.
Thurs. July 30th
The great minds at the TIES Center have created a fabulous tool that will help families and staff immensely! https://iep.today/TIES5cProcess
Learn about the 5C Process that will support our students no matter if they are learning at school or at home or both!
PLUS, the process is based on inclusive education and Universal Design for Learning (two of my passions)!
We'd love for you to be with us on Thursday, July 30th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am
Jennifer Sommerness from the TIES Center will give us an overview of the 5CProcess. https://iep.today/TIES5cProcess
When you learn more about the 5C Process this Thurs. you'll see how it can support your child no matter if they are learning at school or at home or both! PLUS, the process is based on inclusive
education and Universal Design for Learning (two of my passions)!
This process is just what we need to help the schools see that sending home a Distance Learning Plan they wrote without your input is not going to cut it.
We'd love for you to be with us on Thursday, July 30th at Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT.
But WAIT, There's MORE.
We have a Special Edition of our show on Wednesday, July 29th!
We'll be learning from Dr. Julie Causton and Dr. Kristie Pretti-Frontczak, how we can be part of an Inclusion Extravaganza! It's all happening on Aug. 3 - 6th!
If you're a fan of Shelley Moore, LeDerick Horne, Keith Jones, Bettina Love, and many other influential thought leaders and speakers, you'll want to be part of this fantastic Summer Leadership Institute.
Find out all the fun details on Wednesday, July 29th - over on my Facebook page.
NOTE: Wednesday's show is at 7:30 am Mtn. Time, 9:30 am ET, 8:30 am CT, and 6:30 am PT.
I love all the opportunities to make changes! Thank you for being a part of this effort.
P.S. If your head is spinning with Back-To-School questions, sign
up for a Free Phone Consultation with me!
I'd love to talk with you. I have some blocks of time, and you can schedule a free 30-minute phone consultation. We can talk about your concerns and generate some positive next steps you can take. Sign up here.
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Let's Stay Connected!
charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com