➔Does your child have packets of school/homework and a list of websites they supposed to go each day?
Are you trying to figure out how in the heck you’re supposed to cope with all of this, plus everything else you have to do?
➔Do you worry about how the school being closed will impact your child? How will your child get all the services in their IEP?
➔Come discover 5 ways to survive COVID homeschooling and find the Silver Lining!
I'm honored to be a speaker for this upcoming Parent Summit. I'll be speaking on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:00 pm Mtn. Time, 8:00 pm ET, 7:00 pm CT, and 5:00 pm PT Click here to register. This is a Zoom webinar so you'll need to register beforehand.
Can you help me spread the news of this free opportunity for parents to cope with the stress of our new COVID-19 lifestyle? You can share this link. iep.today/ParentSummit
Thank you!