Times are changing.
Click on the video above to see my conversation with Arizona attorney and parent, Amy Langerman about what are the obligations of school districts are to provide for special education services when schools are closed. Amy also shared some terrific educational resources you can use at home.
Here are some key takeaways: (Please remember, Amy Langerman was not giving any legal opinions or legal advice on this live show).
*If general education students aren't receiving educational services when schools are closed, students on IEPs and 504 Plans won't either.
*What are considered educational services? Amy's opinion: If they are currently providing mandatory packets, if they give educational packets right now, and they sent them home as "homework", that's considered educational services.
* One viewer asked, "If the district is providing resources to the gen ed population, even thought it is optional, should they also be providing specialized resource links? Amy's response: If it is "optional", they should give you an "optional" packet too. But per the DOE guidance, as long as they are not "mandating" school right now, there is no IDEA mandate either.
* Another parent asked, "If gen ed students receive virtual instruction online during this time shouldn’t sped students receive the same Modified instruction? Amy's opinion: It depends. If the "virtual instruction" is optional and school is closed, per DOE, there is no "mandate" for IDEA services. But, equitability requires equal access. So, if they provide virtual instruction for some, they should for all.
* What if there is a virtual IEP meeting and the parent disagrees with what is offered by the district? Amy's suggestion: Say on the record and write it very clearly on a piece of paper. I consent to implement these services but not agree that they provide a FAPE, and say please document this on your Prior Written Notice that we do not believe that this provides a FAPE.
*With schools closed and students at home is this considered a change of placement? Amy discussed: if the services are not not provided in the same environment as what the IEP requires. It would potentially raise change of placement issue.
*What is a parent to do who is now homeschooling? Amy's ideas: The number one thing that you should be doing is keeping in touch with your classroom teacher, even when the school is closed. Also, try to keep a schedule that resembles a school day. See suggested resources below.
*What about graduating/exiting kids - kids who are aging out? Amy's response: They would be entitled to comp ed just the same as if they had not aged out - if comp ed is needed and permitted.
*What are the critical supplies that parents should try to have on hand? Amy's suggestions:
a. Thermometer
b. Acetaminophen (Tylenol - not ibuprofen)
c. 2 weeks of food
d. Paper, pencils, markers, pen (if economics are impeding this, email the
director of your school and ask for help)
e. A positive attitude, compassion, hope
This show was recorded on March 19, 2020 (there are updated links in the Resources section below).
Listen to the podcast version of the show by clicking on image below.
Check out the resources you can use!
Look below!
What You Need To Know: Get updates on the educational impact of the coronavirus on my Visions and Voices Together facebook page and what parents and educators can do. Hop over there to get the latest news that you need to know.
Find out 4 actions that you and others can take right now to make a huge difference. Click on the image below.
Go Noodle, a terrific way to take a physical brain break & mindful videos.
Epic!, a digital library for children 12 and under.
Newsla, an online news-as-literacy platform featuring current articles.
Virtual museum tours,12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours
Broadway shows, 10 best Broadway shows you can stream for free online
Make sure to make time for yourself!
Thurs, March 26th Move from "Surviving" to "Thriving" in This Chaotic Time
Brenda Jones, our guest will be sharing 3 specific things we can do to manage all the changes coming at us. I'm going to be learning these with you! We'll learn how to:
1) HALT + Breathe - Change Your Reality;
2) React vs. Respond - What can you really control;
3) Power of Words - The silver lining
Brenda is a Speaker, Master Success Coach, and Board-Certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, TIME Techniques™, Energy Tapping (EFT), Coaching, and Reiki.
Brenda has been homeschooling her two children for more than 6 years and was an Early Childhood special education teacher. She'll have a variety of tips to share with us!
We'll be on a Noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 1 pm CT, 11 am PT on my Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together.
Click here if you'd like to get a reminder from Facebook messenger a few minutes before we go live.
See you on Thursday,
P.S. There's a special LIVE bonus training on how to
get through the current crisis while bringing your family closer together Wednesday, March 25th at 1pm EST. Click here to get the bonus training.
Dayna Abraham founder of Calm the Chaos will highlight the most valuable lessons from the workshop and show examples of how to apply the framework to this crazy new world we’re living in. I'll be tuning in, will you join me?
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