The routine has drastically changed for your child. Their school is most likely closed or will be.
You've had to quickly come up with what in the heck you're going to do when there's no school for weeks. What you thought was going to happen on your family calendar is probably canceled.
What happens now?
Most of us have kids that don't do well with changes and look at the HUGE changes they (and us) are having to cope with now.
It can be overwhelming to think of what the next few weeks will be like for us.
You know I'm here to support you! Reply to this email with what you need and I will do everything I can to find what you need.
One fabulous FREE resource you can tap into right now is the Calm the Chaos (what an appropriate name for what we're experiencing right now) series of free videos, and Q & As.
Things are being switched up with this free program so your specific questions about what to do with your kids being home and how to handle their anxiety about all the changes to their routines will be
There will be new 5 minute videos to help you right now with what is happening for you and your child.
You'll also get live Q & A shows where you can get advice of what you can do, in the moment when things start to go haywire at your house. It's okay to admit we need as much extra support right now, as our kids do.
I'm taking this free workshop with you. Let's keep supporting each other! CLICK here.