Thurs., March 12th Beth Tolley, the Director of Educational Strategy for the Alliance Against Seclusion and Restraint, will be helping us understand:
*** What is Behaviorism, why parents and teachers are attracted to it, what adult autistics say and what research shows us;
*** Concerns with Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies (PBIS) and Behaviorism;
*** Better ways to support students based on brain science, neurobiology, attachment, developmental research, trauma, and resilience research of the past 30 years by scientists and practitioners.
Join us on Thursday, March 12th, at noon Mtn. Time, 2 pm ET, 3 pm CT, 11 am PT on the Visions and Voices Together Facebook page.
Thurs., March 19th Julie Causton will be sharing about Inclusive IEPs
You don't want to miss either of these shows! Click here if you'd like to get a reminder from Facebook messenger a few minutes before we go live.
Take care,