Click on the video above to hear our guest, Ricki Sabia give tips on advocating for including students with significant cognitive disabilities.
We focused our conversation about three parent briefs (also helpful for educators) that are packed with valuable information!
When you need to help someone understand WHY inclusive education is important, (yes, some people still don't get the why) this is an article you can share, 10 Reasons to Support Inclusive School Communities for ALL Students.
Ricki Sabia, Parent Liaison for the TIES Center and Senior Education Policy Advisor for the National Down Syndrome Congress gave us such rich insight!
Are you more of a Pod-cast kind of person? Click on the image below to hear our recent episode.
Are you looking for resources about advocating for students with signifiant cognitive disabilities to be included? Look below!
The TIES Center is one of your go to sites. It's the national technical assistance center on
inclusive practices and policies. The goal is to create sustainable changes from kindergarten through eighth grade so students with significant cognitive disabilities can be actively participating and learning in general education settings. I encourage you to also like
their Facebook page.
Looking for the gold standard website on Universal Design for Learning? is where you want to go.
Join my facebook group, Universal Design for Inclusion Let's keep the conversations going!
The National Center and State Collaborative Project (NCSC) has developed resources under a Federal grant, publicly available at The NCSC worked on ensuring that students with the most significant cognitive disabilities achieve increasingly higher academic outcomes and leave high school ready for post-secondary options.
It can be challenging for teachers to meet the variety of student needs in a general education class. This is an area that the NCSC's shines. Teachers and parents can check out the Element Cards for practical ways to engage all learners as they are included. Click here.
Thurs, March 5th will be our Q & A show.
Thurs., March 12th Beth Tolly, author of The Problem With Behaviorism is our guest.
Thurs., March 19th Julie Causton will be sharing about Inclusive IEPs
You don't want to miss any of these shows! Click here if you'd like to get a reminder from Facebook messenger a few minutes before we go live.
Take care,