THURSDAY & FRIDAY, February 20th & 21st: I'll be speaking at the PEAK Parent Center's Inclusive Education Conference in Denver. My son, Dylan and I will be sharing his experiences with inclusive education and our top tips. The session is, Inclusion Goes to College: The DIY (with allies) Way.
I'll be doing a break out session at the conference, Building Inclusion Into The IEP.
Thurs., Feb. 27th Ricki Sabia from the National Down Syndrome Congress will be our guest. We'll be talking about How to Include Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Thurs, March 5th will be our Q & A show.
Thurs., March 12th Beth Tolly, author of The Problem With Behaviorism is our guest.
Thurs., March 19th Julie Causton will be sharing about Inclusive IEPs
You don't want to miss any of these shows! Click here if you'd like to get a reminder from Facebook messenger a few minutes before we go live.
Take care,