THURSDAY, February 13th: I'll be a guest on the Down Right Capable Show at 10:00 am Mtn. Time. We'll be talking about one of my passions –
Universal Design For Learning!
THURSDAY & FRIDAY, February 20th & 21st: I'll be speaking at the PEAK Parent Center's Inclusive Education Conference in Denver. My son, Dylan and I will be sharing his experiences with inclusive education and our top tips. The session is, Inclusion Goes to College: The DIY (with allies) Way.
I'll be doing a break out session at the conference, Building Inclusion Into The IEP. My mantra is, Waiting to talk about inclusion until the end of the IEP meeting is a mistake.
Find out more about the conference and your chance to hear Jonathan Mooney, Stephen Hinkle, Patrick Schwarz, Michael McSheehan, and many more wonderful movers and shakers! Click here.
This is a conference where you'll walk away with ideas you can put into place on Monday morning!
I can't wait to reconnect with you at PEAK's conference!
Take care,