Hi there,
I hope you
loved Friday’s MasterClass: “Think Like An Advocate & Get Positive Results” as much as I loved sharing new strategies with you.
Thank you for being there!
I’ve highlighted certain parts of the show below, giving you the topic and the specific time mark in the video.
Pop some popcorn and enjoy!
We are live
3 min. 15 seconds (3:15)
The start of my journey in this special ed. world 4 minute mark
An IEP Planning Checklist you might want to use 8:50
Are your IEP (ARD) meetings like The View T.V. show? 40:27
What to do instead of drawing a line in the sand 43:45
What two words are great to use at meetings? 55:50
Do you want an awesome email template? 58:38
You’ll want these mantras to roll off your tongue 67:05
Advocacy Tools You NEED (time limited offer)