How to Embed Inclusion Into Goals
Learn how to write inclusion into your child's annual goals!
In this video see how a handy-dandy template I created is just the Advocacy Tool you need! Share this video. The more parents we can help, the more children will benefit! When you're muti-tasking listen to the podcast of the interview, Click here.
********************************************************************************** When a viewer was watching the broadcast she made this comment,
"So much push back from school teams to get this much detail in a goal. I've tried! They say they need them to be broad so they can be
targeting 'across all settings' or with a variety of supports/people."
Have you ever heard that before at an IEP meeting? This was my response,
specific, measurable annual goal is how students are going to be evaluated on their progress to meet the goal.
A specific, measurable goal doesn't prevent any staff person from working with the student in another setting or with a variety of supports or people.
Broad goals lead to staff and parents interpreting the goals in different ways and that often means the progress on goals is not measured in consistent ways.
You could also have a conversation with the special
education director and ask what can be done so the staff understands the purpose of measurable goals and what can be done so staff will begin writing specific, measurable annual IEP goals."In this video you'll:
Find out how you can embed inclusion into annual goals.
Discover tips on how to recognize a poorly written goal.
Learn what components a goal needs to have.
And Much More!
Click here to watch the video so
that you'll be a Rock Star when it comes to writing goals!
Please know, if you have questions about the support your child is or isn’t getting at school, just hit Reply to this email and I’ll respond. And as always, I’m also available
for free 30-minute phone strategy session (no strings attached). Just email me at Charmaine@cspeda.com we’ll set up a time to talk.
Take care, |
P.S. Mark you calendar for Thursdays at noon Mtn. time, 2pm ET, 1pm CT, and
11AM PT to catch my Facebook show live, so that you can get YOUR specific questions answered!
Just hop over to my Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together. I'm there every
Stay Connected!
charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com |