2 minute 36 seconds (2:36): Why special education attorney Jennifer
Laviano and professional special
education advocate Julie Swanson wrote
the book.
4:55 What you don’t know …
6:48: “You can’t use logic to talk someone out of a position they didn’t
use logic to get into.”
9:47 What parents and advocates can do when dealing with illogical
decisions made by the school
12:27 What it might mean if your school district isn’t telling
you something.
14:20 One of my mantras: “Don’t let the forms drive the process.”
16:43 Viewer
question about the Response to Intervention process
delaying or denying a student’s access to special education
20:18 An example of an urban legend in school districts.
21:15 Unintended
consequences that can happen.
21:35 Is it a wise advocacy strategy to bring outside information, such as
a letter from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to
an IEP meeting?
23:40 What is your advocacy style?
25:33 Parents feeling intimidated at IEP meetings
29:00 Is your child being identified for special education services?
31:45 When a student is doing well on
standardized tests, but struggling
socially it might not trigger the teacher do make a referral for
special education.
33:07 How educators and other staff members can benefit from the
book, Your Special Education Rights: What Your School District
Isn’t Telling You.
35:05 The 3 Rs of Advocacy
36:45 What about when decisions are based on
district finances?
39:00 What if the school district brings their attorney to the IEP
43:15 What if a parent suspects they are being targeted by the school
46:11 Best kept secrets
48:00 The KISS method
51:15 Who to bring with you to IEP meetings
55:54 Tip for parents
57:30 What happens when parents ask for something and it isn’t
58:50 Education is more than academics
61:12 Where can parents find an attorney or advocate
63:00 Final thoughts and insights