Start With Transparency

Published: Sat, 07/15/17

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Let’s start with total transparency:

I just had to laugh! The irony of this week’s live Facebook show!!! Here I am doing a show about body language and reading people's minds with your eyes, AND I'm not making eye-contact with my audience! What????

I spent most of the broadcast looking at the wrong camera!  Sorry
GOOD NEWS: I have some new clips for my Bloopers Reel.

Now back to our blog post:

Do you agree?  What people say can be very different from what they are thinking or feeling.

Have you had conversations with doctors or therapists and wondered what they are really try to say to you?

Have you been in IEP meetings when people’s body language was screaming louder than their words?

What would it be like if you could be more persuasive and win people’s trust?  Think about it – how would that impact what services and supports your child gets.

Would you love to know what to do or say when someone is rolling their eyes at you?

Today, in addition to discovering some new secrets of body language, you’ll also get some more details about our upcoming fun IEP Scavenger Hunt: 5 Day FREE Challenge. Hit Reply to this email if you want to sign up for this fun challenge you can do right at home.
And as a bonus, at the end of the blog post I’ll share what to do or say when you’re sitting in an IEP meeting and someone starts rolling their eyes at you.

Let’s get into 3 specific things you can do to better understand the messages people are sending you.

1. Copy the person’s body language and ask yourself how you are feeling when you take on the other person’s body language.

This is an interesting technique.  I often forget to try this, but when I’ve done it, it is a helpful way to get more into the feeling level of the person you’re talking to.

2. The signals you send influence how people see you.

Chances are while you’re looking for meaning in others’ body language, they are also evaluating your body language.  Think about what message your sending with your body language when you’re in meetings.

3. Watch facial expressions, tone of voice, gestures, and other body language signals.

Just one body cue isn’t a reliable indicator. You need to look for several consistent signals.  And remember, many people have learned to “fake” their body language to confuse people.

Here are some common body cues and what they may mean if you see them in combination of similar signals.
You can find more about body language cues and what you can do when you notice them, in my #1 Best Selling book, The Art of Advocacy: A Parent Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process. CLICK here to get the Kindle version for just 99 cents.

Whether you’re dealing with doctors, therapists, teachers, or administrators the more skilled you become at reading body language, the better you can really understand what people are saying and what they really mean.

My goal as an advocate is to help you become an even more effective advocate for your child.  I do this in a variety of ways – with my weekly FB Live shows, weekly blog posts, free eBooks on a variety of topics.  I even came up with a new, fun idea!
This summer I’ve been working on a way we can combine fun with learning with a an IEP Scavenger Hunt: A FREE 5 Day Challenge!  I’m launching this when I get back from speaking at the National Down Syndrome Congress’ convention. This fun, learning challenge will be from July 31st – August 4th

The IEP Scavenger Hunt is for parents new to the special education process and for you veteran parents too!  You’ll be surprised with what you discover in the scavenger hunt and you’ll learn some ninja advocacy strategies too!

I’ve planned this 5 Day challenge for you, so you just have to take small steps each day and by the time the 5th day rolls around you’ll be so proud of yourself! 

Just hit Reply to this email if you want more information about the IEP Scavenger Hunt!

And now for our Bonus: What to do and say when someone rolls their eyes at you. 
The rolling of eyes is one of my buttons that gets pushed.  Now, I’m sure it might be healthier for me if I could release those feelings and get over it. But, instead I choose to directly address it with the person.  How many of you do that? This is what I usually do, I look at the person and say, “When I saw your facial expressions just now, it makes me wonder if there isn’t something that you’re upset about or something you disagree with.  Can you let us know, what you’re thinking or feeling when you’re rolling your eyes?”

Then I stop talking.  I wait for the person to respond.  If they deny it, I don’t argue about it.  I’ve said what I needed to say and everyone heard me.  In almost 100% of the cases when I’ve made that comment about eyes rolling, it has stopped.

Here’s to a new school year of open, positive communication and little eye rolling!  LOL

Please know, if you have questions about the support your child is or isn’t getting at school, just hit Reply to this email and I’ll respond. 

And as always, I’m also available for free 30-minute phone strategy session (no strings attached).  Just email me at we’ll set up a time to talk.


Take care,

P.S. Pick up a copy of my book, The Art of Advocacy: A Parent’s Guide to a Collaborative IEP Process on Amazon.  CLICK here.

P.S.S. If you have read my book and haven’t gotten a chance to write a review for it, please do!  My goal is to reach more parents so the 2017-2018 school year is the best for families!  Your review helps more parents know it is a helpful resource.  Just go to this Amazon page to leave your review.  Thanks so much!
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