Here are some quotes from the recent The Art of Advocacy show.
Whenever you hear somebody say that's our policy, then what you need to do is say, I would love to read that. Please share the written policy with me so I can understand it better.
You want to check in your state for what the implications are if your child is receiving modifications. In some states that puts them on a track for not receiving the typical high school diploma.
Charmaine Thaner
What we really want from our kids is that internal drive to do better, to learn more, to be excited about learning versus external motivation.
Charmaine Thaner
If a child isn't doing well at school, it's up to me as the adult, as a teacher, to try to figure out what I can do differently so the child will learn.
Charmaine Thaner
You always want to have student voices on your district and school committees.
Charmaine Thaner
You want to describe what the grading adaptations are going to be and roles for each of the team members.
Charmaine Thaner