Check out these Key Take-Aways by going to the specific time stamp in the video, or on the podcast.
* In September of 2016, there was evidence that there had been
like a 13 year practice in Texas where they would cap the
enrollment of students in special ed to 8.5%. 2:07
* Teachers were told that they had to try intervention after
intervention, going through lengthy response to intervention
processes before they would even evaluate students. 2:27
* January 2018 the U.S. Department of Education did an
investigation and they found that Texas education agency had
failed in students in three main ways.
* Is your district/state failing students in these 3 ways?
* In November 2018, there was a decision from the Fifth
Circuit Court of Appeals and they confirmed that the
US Department of Ed. was within its right to penalize the state $33,000,000 for reducing its special ed funding in 2012. 3:42
* Why were students denied special ed. services?
* Where did the 8.5% cap come from? 10:11
* How did parent testimonies have a positive impact? 11:35
* Why did the Texas Ed. Agency's Corrective Action Plan
get rejected by the U.S. Dept. of Ed.? 15:07
* What did the U.S. Dept. of Ed. say had to be included in
their Corrective Action Plan? 16:36
* If you're concerned about your state and you want to try
to see what are they doing... 19:01
* The Fifth Circuit decision, the maintenance of financial support 24:17
* How advocates can work with state legislators 27:51
* Teacher Preparation Bill 29:17
* Seclusion and Restraint Bill 33:46
* How to be involved in Policy Making
* What has to be in place for teachers to implement change 49:14