Parents and the school staff should be equal partners and the responsibility for building partnerships between school and home rest primarily with the school staff and school leaders to reach out and welcome families and create that positive environment and relationship.
Kiki McGough
I looked at the teacher and I said, she's the first one to finish, and she said, she's never sat at the table before, and I said, maybe
you never had anything of the table that was engaging her.
Kiki McGough
We might see things differently when we have to remember there is not only one answer.
Kiki McGough
I really hope that people are taking all of these ideas and trying to figure out how they can apply that to their own child's life because so many times our kids aren't looked at as competent learners and aren't, you know, presumed to be able to reach our high expectations.
Charmaine Thaner
see different behavior in different settings. What we really want to do for positive behavior support and why it's so important to keep our eyes open and to always be watching and learning, is we want to prevent the challenging behavior from happening in the first place.
Kiki McGough
You have the ability to make each day special. Each morning comes to us as a gift wrapped and fresh out of the box or moments we've never experienced before. Opportunities we've never known and chances we've never taken what a truly magnificent gift. Those with the same old, same old outlook, let the chances just slip away, but those who understand the value of the gift will they have a chance to turn the present into a really extraordinary
Kiki McGough