Here are some quotes from the recent The Art of Advocacy show.
Kids do well if
they can.
Dr. Ross Greene
So long as caregivers are solely focused on modifying a child's behavior, problems that are causing that behavior will remain unresolved. But when caretakers focus instead on solving the problems collaboratively and proactively, not only do the problems get solved, the challenging behaviors that are associated with those problems subside.
Dr. Ross Greene
Even looking at challenging behavior from that lens of a function of behavior, we're really still doing a disservice to our kids.
Charmaine Thaner
Behavior management strategies really don't work. They don't resolve those underlying problems. If you contrast that to the collaborative problem solving viewpoint, then what we do as adults is we try to figure out what are those skills that the child is lacking.
Charmaine Thaner
Instead of that medical model of blaming the kid and the kid is one the one that has to change, we as adults have to look at what can we do differently to support kids and start using that problem solving lens when we look at challenging behavior.
Charmaine Thaner