*** Expand your village by inviting more allies to join you - other parents of disabled and non-disabled children, community members, state representatives,
*** Nine families filed systemic complaint against the Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Some of the issues were: Child Find, not performing Functional Behavior Assessments, suspending students instead of giving positive behavior supports, and not providing comparable services to students who
transfer into the district.
*** Carefully consider media coverage.
*** Have families share
personal stories at school board meetings.
*** Document retaliation- treatment parents received before filing a state complaint and after filing a complaint.*** Understand your state regulations about state complaints.*** Examples of resolutions to request: parent and staff training, compensatory education, reimbursement of tuition for private schools, institute anti-bullying program, provide counseling
services, etc.*** Settlements can be reached before filing a state complaint.*** State complaints can only address issues from past
year (unless your state expands this). Complaint report is due 60 calendar days after the filing of it.
To hear more points about what state complaints are and how to file them, click here.
More intriguing speakers coming your way.
No, you don't have to register for a conference and travel to another city - The Art of Advocacy show is bringing them to you!
My husband, Jim and I will be taking a short vacation this week. I may be able to do a live broadcast from Glacier National Park on Thursday. If not, I'll at least post a couple photos of the wonderful landscapes!
Take care,
P.S. With all the great influencers we having coming up on our live shows, I encourage you to sign up to get a quick messenger reminder one half an hour before our live
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charmaine@cspeda.com 208.340.5874 www.cspeda.com |