Why is it offensive to disabled people to be called "inspirational"?
What are some
examples of disabled people being seen as brave or special just for living?
What are the important issues we need to focus on?
In our recent The Art of Advocacy live show on Facebook we answered these questions and talked about ways to help stop the patronizing and pitying people with disabilities. Click here to see more about inspiration porn.
Here are some highlights from the live show:
*Inspiration porn describes a common occurrence when people without disabilities think that disabled people are more brave or “special” just for living.
* Inspiration Porn is offensive because it is
based on pity, low expectations and it objectifies disabled people.
* I'm sure you've seen the patronization and the token homecoming queen videos, special proms, Best Buddies programs, etc. No matter the good intentions, the outcomes are disabled people are pitied and non-disabled people are inspired to “help.”
* Stella Young's TEDx Talk: I'm Not Your Inspiration, Thank You Very Much! Click here to see Stella Young's powerful message at the 18 minute 20 second (18: 20) mark of our live show.
* How important it is to Recognize inspiration porn, Call it out, and Take Action to prevent it.
* How we need to focus on
changing the environmental and societal barriers that prevent disabled people from having the lives that we all deserve.
You'll have a great opportunity to hear Abby Woods, a high school student tell her story about anxiety and depression on this Thursday's (June 14th) The Art of Advocacy live show.
I hope you tune in to hear Abby's insights.
I promise you won't be disappointed.
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