Make Your Heart Sing: Help Your Child Scatter Kindness

Published: Wed, 11/29/17

How many times is your child on the receiving end of help vs. how many opportunities does he/she have to give onto others?  Think about it...

It's important for others to see your child as capable of helping others. 

It makes a huge difference when your child sees him/herself as capable of helping others.

Let's make room for your child to shine as he/she helps others!

Sometimes we get so busy in our everyday lives that we forget the impact of simple acts of kindness can have on others. 

Did you know the when people witness acts of kindness it helps lower his/her blood pressure and increases heart health?

Did you know many times after people help others they’ll feel more energetic, calmer, and less depressed?

In our Facebook live show on Thursday (tomorrow), I’ll be sharing more interesting impacts of acts of kindness, both on the person being kind, the person receiving the kindness.  I'll be live at noon Mountain Time at

I'll also be giving you the details of our Scatter Kindness: Now & Always celebration.

Here's a teaser: Each day in December you’ll receive a message with two ideas for acts of kindness, one that your child can do and one that you can do.

If you’d love to be a part of our Scatter Kindness celebration, just click on this link and you'll be invited to sign up.

The ideas for acts of kindness will be simple things that you and your child can easily do.  And hopefully, these ideas will spur you onto thinking of other ways you can help Scatter Kindness with your child.

It would be awesome if you can share this Kindness celebration with friends, people you work with, and family members.  Just copy this link and share it with them.

Let's counter the stress we feel in our days and instead bring a smile to ourselves, our friends, strangers, and people we care deeply about.

Take care,​​​​​​​

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