Learn Why The Behavior Plan Is Failing and What To Do Instead
How can you prevent meltdowns in the grocery
And much more!
Chris Curry, has tips and strategies that are practical and proven to work! Watch the replay of her fabulous presentation, and hear her answers to parents' specific
questions. Click here.
You can also listen to the podcast. Click here.
Chris Curry is a Behavior Specialist and Consultant as well as a life coach for families who have a child with a disability. She founded Families Together, Inc. in Kansas and Families Together for People ®,
with Disabilities in Washington state.
Go to her website and sign up for the Chris Curry Club.
You'll get the ability to call her, describe what's going on and get helpful advice to help your child be supported. This is her website. http://www.chriscurryconsulting.com
Click here to get a copy of Chris' PowerPoint. You can read her article on this topic, Click
I'm live every Thursday (not Thanksgiving) at noon Mtn. Time on my Facebook page, Visions and Voices Together.