
Published: Mon, 05/02/16

No Cape Required
Even though some days it feels like you need to be a Super Hero to get everything done that your brain keeps reminding you to do, to get caught up on what you didn't get done yesterday, and to figure out how you're going to survive the coming week...

Just for today let's simply some things.  Give yourself permission to take a break for 10 minutes.  Yes, I know 10 minutes can sound like an eternity, when you can't even go to the bathroom without being interrupted...

But go ahead and set a timer for 10 minutes.  Take a deep breath like you are smelling your favorite flower and then as you exhale, do it like you are blowing out a beautiful candle.  Do this several times.  

Next, pick something that is relaxing for you to do.  It can be doodling using the different colored pens in that mug on your desk.  Maybe it is just sitting with your eyes closed and visualizing that perfect vacation spot.  Or escape from electronics, silence your phone, put your computer to sleep and enjoy the silence.

Whatever you choose to do for your short break, use it as a time to get back in a positive space, knowing that when you're needed, you can put your Super Hero cape back on and do what needs to be done.

But know, in the meantime, there's no cape required for taking care of yourself.

All my best to you,

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